What Does a Telehealth Physical Therapy Visit Look Like?
The first visit will involve PT getting background information from parent/caregiver
regarding your child and his/ her needs
The PT will watch your child perform a variety of tasks. She will ask you to position your child in different ways to allow her to see what your child is able to do.
Together we will discuss areas of focus for subsequent visits and set goals
The PT will guide you through the process and teach you strategies that you can easily implement.
We will determine frequency of visits based on your comfort level and on the needs of your child.
At the beginning of each session we will review what you have been working on
We will discuss if you have been able to easily implement the strategies and how your child is responding
PT will watch as you work on the target skill with your child
Based on your feedback and PT's observations, recommendations will be made on how to tweak your handling to enhance outcomes for your child
Once the target skill has been mastered, we will move on to working on a new skill, building upon previously learned strategies.
Each session is a true collaboration between the parent/caregiver and the therapist.